CRM for Service Providers

For creating estimates and quotes Send estimates from anywhere

One-of-a-kind CRM for managing estimates!

If you're like most service providers, you're always looking for ways to make your sales process faster. With the Osmos CRM, you can create quotes in seconds and close deals effortlessly.

Main Features for Service Providers

Detailed service definitions

Service name, descriptions, images, units, profit margin, attributes, and more.

Service availability

Quickly identify what services are available when creating quotes and avoid offering services on dates that have been already booked.

Online requests

Clients can now request estimates from your website by selecting the services they need, the dates they need them, and even answering a questionnaire!

Quote omnichannel

With Osmos, you'll never have to worry about forgetting to quote a request again. The app will help you manage your quotes more efficiently and effectively.

Send Quotes - Manage Clients - Convert Quotes into Sales.

Osmos is an easy-to-use, all-inclusive CRM for service providers that helps them create and send estimates to clients with ease. It also helps businesses be more efficient when following up on quotes to close deals.